The John Amico School of Hair Design held a student competition at the recent Leadership Conference in Chicago. Students were judged for creativity and technical merit by John Amico members and educators who were attending the conference. A very special thank you to all of our judges and star participants.

Men's Open
(L to R):Mr.A, model, model, Ralph Raines (Gold), model, Pasquale Summa (silver), Front:Matt Clair (Platinum)
School faculty
Front Row(L to R) Erica Mancusa School Administrator, Miss Sarah, Miss Kathy, and Miss JeAane; Standing: Mr.A
Master's Haircut Design
(L to R): Mr. A Laren Strauss(gold), model, model, Kristline Witte(platinum)
Master's Evening Up-do
(L to R):Dawn Wheels(Silver), student model(Georgia Johnson), Kristine Witte(Gold), model(her mom), student model(Iris Kemp), Latisha Elis(platinum), Mr.A
Senior's Evening Up-do (L to R) :
Maria Maria Verdieco(Silver), model, Student model(Tenisha Harprove), Tamara Bernard(Gold), Jecqueline Murphy(Platinum), Model, Mr.A