Marty Rizzo demonstrates haircutting, razor & clipper tedhniques to the John Amico student body.
Educating our future professional is one of the most exciting and rewarding careers. The fun of working with these young, passionate fashionistas is rewarding. Today, I'm going to review some of the fun training programs that we offer at our school.
First, we have Career Days where our students meet the public, discuss how much fun and how rewarding it is for them to attend school and even do feathers. The high school students really enjoy learning about what it takes to become a Cosmetologist.
We love to hold competitions. We have the Level 1 students who had three weeks in school and did a very nice look. We hold as many as one competition of one style or another every week. The photos that you see are a combination of several different types. The engagement of the student today is so important because their attention spans are faster and shorter than ever before.
We had a great Day of Education with Marty Rizzo where he spoke about what it takes to be a successful professional. Marty demonstrated haircutting using shears, the JA razor and clippers on two models with both a long and short hairstyles. Our student body attended the class and enjoyed Marty's presentation. We believe that more exposure and education makes a better John Amico graduate.

Mr. Ed, a professional educator at John Amico School of Hair Design, educates students on business and life skills.
Mr. Ed, one of our educators, gave a class on Building a Clientele and Life Skills. This is an important part of the students education.

John Amico and Chris Knafl are instructing Level 2 students on Product knowledge.
Product knowledge is taught to students in Level 2. They go on a field trip to visit the corporate office, where John SR conducts the class along with the Miss Mari, their educator. She enjoys having the students see how the corporate office operates, how a distribution center functions as well as meeting other professionals who have positions in the beauty industry. This is also gives them nice a variety in their education.
As a salon owner, if you are looking for talented young professionals call our student services and we can provide future top stylists at 708.687.7800 or visit us at www.johnamicoschoolofhairdesign.com, and fill out the job career request form.
The photos show the students installing the feathers and the high school students love the new look.
Some are long hair eveningwear with our Level 1. Here is a Spring Theme. You can see how the students created evening styles with flowers. Note the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place.
Getting students out into the community is an excellent way for them to develop their public speaking skills. Here Eric and Kayla, two of our students, along with John Amico are speaking to Arbor Middle School students about the profession of Cosmetology.

The Rain Forest line introduced in 1985.

JA pictured with his new Rain Forest line.

JA announces the release of his new Vibes line in the early '80s.

Aloha from a National Convention in Hawaii.
John and Elaine pictured below with a happy attendee.

Pictured above: John Amico and Fred DeLuca (Subway Owner) host a combined National Convention in Hawaii with live entertainment by Frankie Avalon. Pictured left: Frankie sings his famous, Beauty School Drop-out from Grease.

In 1994, John Amico Pump Up'd his product line with the release of an entire Men Collection.