
Dear Regency Students: We are so very sorry to hear of the closing of Regency Beauty Institute and how it has affected its many students. We know this is devastating for you. We would like to make it as easy as possible for you to transfer and finish your cosmetology education. Don’t let this become an obstacle that you don’t overcome. Many students may feel like giving up or have fear of being let down again. Our school is NOT closing any time soon. Let us help you achieve your goals and dreams. The John Amico School of Hair Design is so much more than just a cosmetology education. We strive for an upbeat and fun atmosphere that makes you excited to come to school every day! Come and see what the John Amico School of Hair Design can do for YOU.

The first thing you need to do is give us a call at 708.631.2527 and let our Admissions Department know that you are a former Regency Beauty Institute student that needs to transfer. Our specialists are committed to making this as easy as they can for you to have a seamless transition.

You will need to produce your photo identification, high school diploma/GED and your transcripts and proof of training from last school. There will be paperwork you’ll have to complete and there is a wait time on getting your transcripts, but in the meantime, schedule a tour of our campus. There is no charge for the tour. Our Admissions department will calculate your transfer hours and costs and figure out your new graduation date. We will also assist you with determining Financial Aid/Benefits that you may be eligible for. We have full-time or part-time hours and day or evening classes. Call now and let us get you back on track with your cosmetology career.